Three of MOW Diablo Region’s homebound seniors recently received a gift of mobility thanks to John Muir’s Physical Therapy department and an anonymous donor who donated five new mobility scooters to our agency.
MOW Diablo Region’s Nutrition Services team worked to match the scooters to interested clients, like Deborah who was waiting anxiously in her garage when the trailer loaded with scooters pulled up. She was beaming from ear to ear as Oakley Volunteer, Dan Castor drove the scooter down the ramp and up to her house.
MOW Delivery Associate, Brian Underwood went through all of the operating instructions with Deborah including testing turn signals and answering her questions about speed and battery life. Once Deborah understood everything about the scooter she shed tears of joy. “I can’t believe this is mine!” she said. “Now I don’t have to bother my family when I’m out of cat food. I can go to my church down the street whenever I want, not just on Sunday! I feel like I got my freedom back. I am very grateful to Meals on Wheels Diablo Region!”
After taking a selfie with MOW Diablo Region staff, Deborah declared that she was going for a test drive to the supermarket. With a wave and two beeps of her horn she drove away filled with confidence and a renewed sense of independence.
Mary Alice was equally delighted to receive her scooter that day. She is unsteady on her feet, even with a walker and has lost all motivation to walk her dog Billy down to the corner market for fear of falling. The MOW Diablo Region Client Services Associate assigned to visit Mary Alice was concerned that she hadn’t left her small apartment in months.
When Mary Alice saw her shiny new mobility scooter she squealed with delight. “I’ve never had anything like this before!”
After a quick lesson, she drove down the hall of her apartment building, deftly maneuvering corners and driving through the door of her apartment with precision. “I still have great depth perception!” she declared.
The remaining scooters have been recently matched up to homebound seniors and like Deborah and Mary Alice they too will be able to maintain their independence and dignity.