It's easy to transfer stocks as a gift to Meals on Wheels Diablo Region. The IRS allows you to make a transfer of appreciated stock to a non-profit organization without recognizing capital gains on the appreciation. You must use publicly-traded stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares and you must have held these for more than one year. This allows you to not only make a gift to Meals on Wheels Diablo Region but receive an additional tax benefit. In essence, you can make a larger donation than you could make with cash and receive a larger tax benefit.
- You want to diversify your assets without having to pay the capital gains taxes that would result from the sale of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
- You are holding stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares for more than a year and they have increased in value.
- You want to make a gift that does not affect cash flow or liquidity.
NOTE: Please check with your tax advisor and plan ahead when selling or transferring ownership of stocks and/or mutual fund shares. Timing is critical to ensure you receive tax credits as intended. Sale date, transfer date, postmarked date (if mailed via U.S. Postal Service), or date of receipt by Meals on Wheels Diablo Region (if shipped) may affect the year of credit eligibility. Mutual funds are valued at the “net asset value.”
Please send your stock sale/transfer information to:
Meals on Wheels Diablo Region
Attention: Sherry Nadworny
1300 Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
For questions and more information, please contact Sherry at 925.239.2487 or at snadworny@mowdr.org.