Lindy Maynes-Kolthoff spent over 35 years serving students in higher education at both the university and community college levels. As the Executive Director of the Los Medanos College Foundation, Lindy was active in her East Contra Costa County as a member of the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, member of the Industrial Association of Contra Costa County, presented with a Proclamation honoring her volunteer work in the City of Pittsburg, and served 21 years on the Board of Directors for the Rotary Club of Antioch. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of Delta Advocacy Foundation as the Grants Chair, and as a volunteer in Meals on Wheels Diablo Region's Breakfast Bag program.
Lindy’s father volunteered for MOW forty years ago and said that it was the best job he ever had. Then ten years ago, her father-in-law needed services. Lindy says the meal deliveries literally saved his life.